What we are trying to do
Inspired by years of tasting, critiquing, and researching, Rebel is the result of passion. Rebel was created with a common goal in mind - increasing the levels of joy and pride in the simple things, like your morning cup of coffee.
Rebel strives to educate consumers and provide them with the highest standard of coffee, food, and service. Using ethically sourced, locally roasted coffee and the latest in time and space technology, we did the research so you wouldn’t have to. Just sit back, relax, and let us take you on a ride.

The Drifter, the Resistance, and the Rebel
This journey can all be boiled down to one simple fact: these guys love food and beverage.
Starting back in the day at Tryst, owned and operated by Peter, Manny was a regular. To say that Manny came in often is a grave understatement, something that Manny didn’t realize until checking his credit card statements. Manny became so well-known at Tryst he would come in through the back door and would often be found at staff parties and wine trainings.
From there, Peter and Manny grew a bond that could go between friendship and business at the toss of a coin, understanding that business matters are not personal and personal matters are not business. The understanding of great food, wine, beverages, and service was something these two have always had in common. In the 15 years Peter and Manny have been friends, they have grown from sharing laughs, to sharing boats, to now sharing ownership of Rebel.
Andy and Manny began their relationship over their great love of coffee many years ago at Andy’s coffee shop, Atomic. As Manny was working in Beverly in the automotive field, coffee and conversation was a staple, and something Andy could easily provide. The years of time spent in Atomic was something Andy and Manny are very fond of. So much so, that Atomic began roasting the coffee for Manny’s Rockstar Adventures trips.
As Andy transitioned to Florida, Manny would often make visits and try to woo Andy into starting a business with him and Peter. Manny saw something in both Andy and Peter that he knew could turn into something beautiful. As Manny fondly puts it, Peter was the drifter, Andy was the resistance, and Manny was the rebel.
After years of persistence, Manny found a way to create the passion project known as Rebel, with Andy and Peter by his side.

(AKA Andy)
Andy Mahoney was originally introduced to specialty coffee shops while traveling the pro mountain bike circuit in a ’77 VW Camper named Fritz. The small details and vibe he experienced in these coffee shops inspired him to bring something special home to the North Shore. Beginning his ventures in New England with Atomic Café, Andy helped grow a single store into a small chain and award-winning coffee roaster.
In 2017, Andy sold his shares of Atomic to start Lifted Coffee Roasters, a wholesale coffee roasting and cold brewing company, servicing Florida from West Palm Beach to Miami and offering barista training, roasting and brewing instruction, café design and beverage industry consulting.
Once named a “Master Coffee Roaster” by the Boston Globe, Andy has continually sought progression, so much so that he led his team in co-developing proprietary solutions for pollution control and brewing, as well as an automated beverage serving solution for the industry.
Peter Capalbo has been in the business of building and perfecting food service for 40 years. Armed with a background in French and Italian cuisine, Peters’ name has been seamlessly intertwined with the best in food and beverage on the North Shore through several endeavors. As the Chef and Owner of the former Tryst Restaurant in Beverly for nine years, Peter achieved consistency, quality and perfecting the art of presentation. Awarded Best of Boston in 2009 for Best Breakfast, from upscale dinner cuisine to Sunday breakfast, Peter's dishes and atmosphere are still missed. From there, Peter contributed his strengths in problem solving, menu and kitchen design and production to the Wenham Tea House as well as a full-scale ghost kitchen for 15 tenants. When Peter isn’t spending his time training and teaching the future of the service industry, he enjoys the ocean and his true love of saltwater fishing.

Manny Janard began his love of growth, influence, and wisdom at a young age in automotive, from cleaning cars to quickly owning and operating his own detailing business, Manny excelled at customizing cars. Equipped with a degree from the Essex Agricultural Institute, Manny became a young, trusted staple in his community when it came to anything car related. From there, Manny took his passions for connecting like-minded individuals and the art of a well-planned good time to the slopes and the seas, hosting ski and kayak trips for small groups. From there, Rockstar Adventures was born.
Rockstar Adventures experienced huge success in the 10 years Manny was behind the helm. From endorsements with Harpoon and Rockstar Energy drinks, Manny was able to build and design outings that included bands, restaurants, resorts and more. Manny’s ability to effectively manage large groups and inspire fun, education and collective goals lead to a merger of Rockstar Adventures and Manny’s next project, Freedom Communications. Manny held 10 years as not only the local Verizon franchise owner but as the #1 go-to for all tech questions, focusing on building client relationships and widespread community trust.
As with every project Manny gives his all to, his love of food and beverage has led him to connecting with other leaders both locally and nationally. In 1999, Manny took a three-month cross-country backpacking adventure with a main objective of seeking out the best coffee shops, cafes and unique eateries. His experiences have led him to his next great project, combining true class, style and expertise with his love of the North Shore and its people, with Rebel Coffee and Creamery.

How We are different
Slayer Coffee Machine

Specialty Coffee deserves nothing less.
Slayer Steam offers, by default, what the industry has long considered “optional”.
Slayer Steam provides access to easy manual pressure profiling and excellent espresso extraction. Volumetric outputs are easily repeated by “recording” recipes as you dial in––you can then “playback” the same consistent shot all day using the paddle actuator. This machine provides baristas with advanced-level brewing techniques and easy repeatability, which we believe makes it the baristas dream machine.
Ground Control Coffee Machine
Ground Control provides a “Not Your Ordinary Batch” of brewing to Rebel Coffee. Ground Control uses an innovative, patented brewing process that is transforming everything the modern consumer knows about batch filter coffee, iced lattes and cold brew.

Poursteady Pour Over Machine

Founded by robotics engineers, Poursteady brings the precision of automatic pour over coffee and marries it with speed and reliability to create the coffee makers perfect cup.
Visit Us
16 Maple St, Danvers, MA 01923
Monday through Saturday 7 AM to 2 PM
Sunday 7 AM to 12 PM
1 Dodge St, Beverly, MA 01915
Monday through Saturday 7 AM to 2 PM
Sunday 7 AM to 12 PM